Author: kscott
Genius Hour Update
What have you accomplished on you GH project in the last two weeks?
I haven’t really done anything, but i know i need to start a youtube channel and do face painting somewhere. I had wanted to go to a haunted house and do some painting there but i’m not sure how to get ahold of them i’ve been told to go to artsview and stuff but i’m not sure yet. I had also thought about holding some event at the community center and do a bunch of painting there over the weekend sometime that would be a fun thing to do.
Equations project
My Genius Hour Project
I have chosen to do a project over face and body paint because, I enjoy painting myself as much as humanly possible. I like to do lot of Halloween makeups but i do them all year round. I love all kinds of art; music, theatrical, and just normal pen and paper drawings but painting myself is almost like bringing my art to life in a way…I guess. I’m working on setting up a youtube channel to do some face paint tutorials for people like me that would search youtube to try new things no one would expect to see.
Adopt an Element-Argon
Favorite Kid President video :3
Anne Frank
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5th Grade Reflections
- In 5th grade this year I learned geometry,algerbra and we learned about the 19th century with McBride.
- In 5th grade this year I struggled with rememering spelling words and keeping my grades high along with making a lot of friends.
- In 5th grade this year I was surprised by all of the technology here the amount of teachers and the amount of good kids here.
- I am disiponted in this being my first and last year in elemetry school here me getting quite an amount of marks and my friends are leaving.
Bull Run 1st Run
I’m a pencil short, fat, and tall,
and my led wont break even if i fall.
I write real fast and my eraser is strong,
but in not too long I wont have one at all.
I’m a mechanical pencil so cool,
and I’m super scared of the really big pool.
Don’t ask me about it I might break if I fall.
Just know this pencils rule!