5th Grade Reflections

  • In 5th grade this year I learned geometry,algerbra and we learned about the 19th century with McBride.
  • In 5th grade this year I struggled with rememering spelling words and keeping my grades high along with making a lot of friends.
  • In 5th grade this year I was surprisedĀ  by all of the technology here the amount of teachers and the amount of good kids here.
  • I am disiponted in this being my first and last year in elemetry school here me getting quite an amount of marks and my friends are leaving.

BasketBall Send Off

I was so exited to see the Basketball players ,Levi was the first to come out of the bus everyone shouted “White Oak Roughnecks ” And I was only about a foot smaller than him standing on the curve her is at least 1 Million inches taller than me. I think it would be cool to be that tall.

My Chrismas Tradition










We always have put a bowel of carrots and a bowl of water out side every Christmas its fun when we get our new P.J’s on Christmas Eve and its a blast to wake up with a ton of presents under the tree.